Chess Club starts on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 and ends on Tuesday, April 8, 2024 this school year.
We meet every Tuesday from 2:30-4:00 in Mrs. Piotter's classroom (B-105).
We will start weekly challenge matches on January 30th.
Our top ten chessmasters will represent TMS at the Middle School chess tournament on Saturday, April 13, 2024.
SY 2022-2023
Congratulations Titans!
2023 Middle School Chess Club Team Champions!
Chess Club started on Thursday, January 12, 2023 and ends on Thursday, March 9, 2023 this school year.
We meet every Thursday from 2:15-3:30 in Mrs. Piotter's classroom (B-105).
We started weekly challenge matches on January 26th.
Our top ten chessmasters will represent TMS at the Middle School chess tournament on Saturday, April 15, 2023.
Our rankings as of March 9th follow: ( 2 points per win; 1 pt per draw)
Place Points. Students
1. 26 Paul Hastings
2. 20 Dane Hufstetler, John Bennis, Ellie Slottee, Blake Jimenez
5. 19 Tam Ngyuyen, Janeva Bennis, Josiah Falke
9. 17 Bohdan Yakovenko
10. 16 Julie Rego, Andrew Watkins, Blake Parker
13. 15 Dylan Cavier, Raiden Weythman
15. 14 T.J. O'Malley, Logan Gardner
17. 13 Xavier Lyon
18. 12 Joseph Darrington
19. 11 Rockford Beistline
20. 10 Tyler Stephens-Deombroski, Hayden Hysliip
22. 9 Casey Mitchell
23. 8 Jaxon Christenson
24. 7 Jayden White
25. 5 Ashton Healy
26. 4 Andrew Tenney
27. 2 Phoenix Castro
28. 0 Anthony Kelly, Rowan Porcello, Tristen Olsen
Chess Club
SY 2021 - 2022 Champions!
SY 2021-2022
Chess Club started on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 and ends on Tuesday, 29 March this school year.
We meet every Tuesday from 2:25-3:45 in Mr. Murray's classroom (B-105).
We started weekly challenge matches on 18 January and there is only 1 official chess club meeting remaining on March March 29th.
Our top ten chessmasters will represent TMS at the Middle School chess tournament on Saturday, 16 April.
Our rankings as of 22 March follow: ( 2 points per win; 1 pt per draw)
Place Points. Students
1. 26 Ellie Slottee
2. 23John Bennis
3. 22 Paul Hastings
4. 20. Tam Nguyen, Rick Benedict
6. 18. Calvin Musgrave
7. 17 Blake Parker, Tyler Eli, Josiah Falke
10. 16. Dane Hufstetler
11. 15. Patrick Price, Jayden White
13. 14 Chantellace Vessey,Logan Spangler
15. 13. Jaxyn Milstead, Kalista Douglas
17. 12 Jordan Ostop,
18. 10 Isaac Walton, Jaxon Christopherson
20. 9. Owen Bultman, Casey Mitchell
21. 8 Elisabeth Botamanenko
22. 3 Logan Gardner
23. 1 Max Fortunato
SY 2020-2021
Teeland's online chess club will operate using the website. The code to join the TMS chess club Google classroom and get invites to our Zoom meetings is r5qx5vm.
Our in school rankings based on tournament and challenge matches follows:
Place PtsName
1 10 Ken Walton, Mason Wallstrum*, Ellie Slottee
4. 9. Isaac Slottee
5. 8. Asher Thomas, Dane Hufstetler
7. 6. John Bennis, Reagan Benedict,
Christian Mills-Price, Nathan Porcello,
Roman Milner
12. 5. Blake Parker, Isaac Walton
14. 4. Rowan Porcello, Aaden Slottee,
13 3 Cole McCotter, Dominik Maya,
18 0 Luke Tague, Justus Payne
SY 19-20
Chess Club started on Tuesday, 3 December this school year, and will end on Tuesday, 31 March. There will be no chess club meeting on 24 March due to my requirement to attend mandatory PEAKS proctor training.
We meet on Tuesdays from 2:25 - 3:45 pm in Mr. Murray's classroom.
We held two chess tournament on 28 January and 11 February.
We will be conducting challenge matches on all the remaining club meetings.
Current Rankings after Tuesday, March 3dare below;
24 13 Ethan McNulty, Ben Motz, Eliott Folsom, Kade Drake
28 12 Braden Thomas, Matthew Ross, James Mathews
31 11 Sebastian Brooke, Jaden Foley, Lily Zimnowoda,
34 9 Wade Hastings
35 6 Sage Lindsey, Jacob Mathews, Wyatt Schmitz*
38 5 Cormac McSorley-Ingram,
39 2 Miguel Suarez-Cabal
40 1 Andrew Spangler
SY 2018-2019 summary:
Teeland was the 2018-2019 Middle School Chess Champions!
Titans placing in the top ten at the school district tournament were:
1st place - Jace Dean
2d place - Isaac Barron
4th place -Adrien Eliza
6th place -Riley Swanson
7th place - Connor Dafoe
8th place - Owen Dietz
9th place - Ethan McNulty
Chess club started on Tuesday, 27 November 2018.
We held our first tournament Tuesday, 29 January; Jace Dean won the tournament.
On Tuesday, 5 February we hosted the PJMS chess club for a "chess meet" along with 4 students from the Twindly Bridge Charter School chess club. After 4 rounds there were four undefeated students, 3 from Teeland ( Jace Dean, Jayce Underwood, and Adrien Eliza).
Starting Tuesday 12 February until spring break, we will be conducting "challenge" matches to finalize our top ten ten players for the school district chess tournament.
Current Chess Club Rankings follow:
(2 points for a Win; and 1 point for a draw)
PlacePoints Name
1 40 Jace Dean
2 28 Owen Dietz
3 26 Ethan McNulty
4 25 Riley Swanson
5 22 Oliver Rose, River Brubaker,
Isaac Barron, Caiden Peterson
9 21 Connor Dafoe, Ryan O'Brien,
11 Jayce Underwood, Adrien Eliza,
13 Nathan Porcello, Christian Mills Price
15 Jaden Foley
16 19 Logan Jacobson,
17 18 Mason Walstrum,
19 17 Kenneth Walton, Owen Walling,
Dominique Bodle, Kaden Beistline,
23 16 Colton Savala
24 15 Miguel Suarez-Cabal,
25 14 Jack Fish, James Mathews,
Deakan Gross,
28 13 James Lane, Vinny Pastorino,
30 12 Camden Ward, Victoria Hutcheson,
32 11 Cormac McSorley-Ingram,
33 9 Kade Drake, Jacob Mathews,
Jadon Komis,Brian Anderson,
37 7 Colin Estepp,
38 3 Dayton Flores,
39 2 Lia Suarez-Cabal
40 1 Aaron Terry,
Teeland was the SY 2017-2018 Middle School Champions!
Titans in the Middle School Tournament top 10;
Jace Dean - 2d place
Gabe Lund -3d place
Dallin Rindlisbacher - 6th place
Jade Burlingame - 9th place
FINAL chess club rankings for SY 2017-2018 follow -
(Wins= 2 pts, Draws =1 pt, Losses = 0 pt)
1. 32 Joshua Miles
2. 31 Jace Dean
3. 30 Guy Beistline, Gabe Lund
5. 29 Alec Bruno, Colton Savala
7. 28 Jade Burlingame
8. 27 Riley Swanson
9. 25 Eli Rodriguez, Dallin Rindlisbacher,
11. 25 Brison Mead, Garrett Russell,
13. Ethan McNulty
14. Connor Dafoe
15. Caiden Peterson
16. Kade Drake, James Lane
18. Jadon Foley, Dominick Jennings,
Emmett Schumacher, ,
21. James Mathews, Elizabeth Elliot,
23. 21 Joey Gray
25. 20 Mason Hancey, Camden Ward,
Melanie Edwards
28. 19 Kalei Clement
29. 18 Owen Walling
30. 17 Jadon Komis, Kaden Beistline
31. 15 Jacob Mathews, Wes Lund
33. 13 Brian Anderson
34. 12Matias Ramirez, Evan Breager
36. 11 Tyler Peterson,
37. 8 Sebastian Brown
38. 5 Kira Christiansen
40. 0 Danyelle Glancy
SY 2016-2017 summary: We came in 2d to CMS at the middle school chess tournament.
We had 42 students in chess club this year.
We travelled to PJMS for our first chess meet on 13 December and,
hosted PJMS in our library on Tuesday, 17 January for another chess meet.
Challenge matches started Tuesday, 31 January and ran every Tuesday through Tuesday, 21 March in order to determine our top 10 players.
FINAL rankings as of 22 March.
(Wins= 2 pts, Draws =1 pt, Losses = 0 pt)
Returning students from last year's top 12 are highlighted in yellow.
1. 43 Matthew Johnson
2. 37 Dallin Rindlisbacher
3. 36 Joel Rykaczewski
4. 33 Kayden Payne
5-6. 31 Jade Burlingame, Emmett Schumacher
7. 28Garrett Russell
8-10. 27Guy Beistline, Eli Rodriguez, Brison Mead
11-13. 26 Alec Bruno, Gabe Ponte, Niles Williams**
We had 3 "chess tournaments" this school year, versus Wasilla Middle School (WMS) club on Tuesday, 17 December; and against Palmer Jr Middle School (PJMS) on 3 December and 14 January.
Chess club started on Tuesday, 5 November this year and runs from 2:30-3:45 pm every Tuesday up to spring break unless we have a chess meet that day.
School Year -2012-2013 Summary:
We competed in the following chess meets last year; vs PJMS twice; vs HMS twice; vs WMS, and against Midnight Sun Charter school
We placed third in last year's School district Middle School Tournament on Saturday, 13 April in the Colony Middle School small gym from 8 am to 2:30 pm
The Club rankings were; Students whose names are italicized did not compete in the school district tournament due to other commitments. Names in bold were those going to the tournament.