River Rangers
May, 2023: Mike Shea, co-founder of River Rangers, is now an Assistant Principal at Wasilla High School. Steve Murray, long-time TMS math teacher and streamflow measurement expert, has retired. Co-founder Rhett Buchanan is grateful to Jessica Piotter (math teacher) and Karen Robinette (long-term science substitute teacher) for stepping up to keep River Rangers going! We had slightly shorter field days due to bussing issues, and winter didn't want to let go, but our 7th graders continued the tradition of Little Su studies at Schrock Road.
May, 2022: 7th graders measured streamflow, sampled macroinvertebrates, performed water chemistry tests, and assessd riparian zone health of the Little Su near Shrock Road.
May 2021: We continued our long-term stream ecology studies of the Little Su at Shrock Road.
May, 2020: Despite COVID protocols, we took our 7th graders to study stream ecology! It felt great enjoy our best local outdoor to classroom: the Little Su near Shrock Road. An unexpected plus: extra small groups required by protocol enabled every student more hands-on activity and interaction.
May, 2019: All River Rangers activities were cancelled this year, due to in-person school closure associated with the COVID pandemic.
May, 2018: Students once again studied stream ecology of the Little Su near Schrock Road.
May, 2017: We continued our long-term study of the Little Susitna River at Schrock Road.
May, 2016: Students visited the Little Susitna River near Schrock Road, where they measured stream flow, identified and counted macroinvertebrates, assessed water chemistry, and learned about the importance of the riparian zone.
May, 2015: Students studied stream ecology at the Little Susitna River near Sushana Road.
May, 2014: Students studied water quality and continued our habitat restoration project along the Little Susitna River near Welch Road. Our work was highlighted on our district's webpage here.
May, 2013: Students studied water quality and cleaned up trash at Cottonwood Creek in downtown Wasilla.
Oct, 2012: An information page on River Rangers was posted on the MSBSD website. Click here to view the page that was posted.
August, 2012 News: Previous River Rangers students Zach Neubauer and Jade Gilpin, along with Mr. Buchanan, took part in the filming of an episode of the national TV show "Aqua Kids" at Cottonwood Creek. We expect this episode to be aired on local TV (Channel 11, KTVA) sometime in January or February, 2013.
February 2012 News: Molly Bishop, a TMS 8th grader, presented her movie titled "Two Amazing Rivers" during the Youth and Adult Environment Project Showcase at the 2012 Alaska Forum on the Environment. This movie, which she created as a final project for her 7th grade science class, describes the River Rangers program from the perspective of a student. Click to view below:
Two Amazing Rivers (4 MB, .mp4)
Two Amazing Rivers (25 MB, .wmv)
2011 News: The TMS River Rangers received an Outstanding Achievement Award at the AFE Conference .
River Rangers Overview: Environmental Education Slide Show