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Below are some of the clubs that happen at TMS.  Club start dates will be announced during morning announcements and permission slips will be in the office.  Club fees are $30.

Once club information becomes available it will be posted here.


ART ADVENTURES  Ms. Dunham has a different Art Adventure most months through the school year.  Check with the front office for more information.  


DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS with Mrs. Davis.  Every Tuesday starting 1/28- 5/6 from 2:25-4:00 in Room C210.  Permission slips are in the office.  $30 fee.  Limit 36 students.


BATTLE OF THE BOOKS with Ms. Fiorelli.  Every Wednesday from 2:20-3:30 until 2/5.


GUITAR CLUB with Mr. Wessling.  Every Monday after from 2:30-3:00 until 12/16.


CHESS CLUB every Thurs 1/9-4/15 from 2:30-4:00 in Mrs. Piotter's room.


CULTURE CLUB more information to come


Homework Club with Mr. Stropes, every Tues and Thurs 2:15-4:00 until May 


JYNO Tues, Wed and Thurs 2:20-3:30 1/7-3/1 with Mr. Zhart.


 For additional information about TMS clubs and activities, call 907-352-7528